Strategies and Actions  

The set of strategies and actions presented here represents an initial stage and the result of the first exercise of a group of organizations willing to take political action on the chemicals issue and environmental justice.  It is the result from the group’s first meeting and such effort is part of a continuous process. 

The strategies suggested [○] and actions [■] are the following: 

• Access to Information  

○ Strategy: to increase the access to information, stimulating the licensing agencies to divulge environmental and health information to the general public.


To participate in the development and implementation actions towards the official pollutants register (POPs and others)

To assure the participation of the NGOs in the development and implementation actions towards the national register.

To participate in the PRTR development and implementation. 

○ Strategy: to reformulate part of the environment assessment and licensing of polluting activities.


To include the POPs perspective in the second phase of the Licensing Agreement between FBOMS and MMA.

To propose that big scale businesses that are liable to emit POPs be licensed only by the federal licensing agency - IBAMA (p. ex., steel refineries, incineration plants, chlor-alkali plants, PVC plants). 

To require that the public licensing audiences be held out of business hours.

To require that the information be supplied previously, in a comprehensible language and at websites to be provided by the undertakers and governmental authorities.

To propose that every and each POPs emissions be considered in the license renew process.

To adopt the BAT/BEP for new plants within the scope of the Stockholm Convention on POPs in the licensing process.  

• Inventory of PCBs

○ Strategy: to identify and quantify PCBs stocks

To make the inventory of equipment containing PCBs (either still functioning and/or out of order) in partnership with the private sector.

To identify the equipment containing PCBs with the support of the community. 

To sample and monitor areas and equipments containing PCBs still functioning and stored PCBs equipment. 

To identify the destination of the PCBs stocks.

To press the industry to allow easy access by the public to information about quantities and PCBs stock places.  

• Waste and Residues Management

○ Strategy: Social inclusion of the waste pickers in the waste management system.

To identify the waste pickers unions at a federal, state and local levels.

To promote the social integration of the waste pickers in the waste management system.

To promote forums for interchanges of successful experiences in partnership with waster pickers, local authorities and relevant stakeholders.

○ Strategy: Zero Waste Policy

To promote discussions and development of zero waste programs.

to integrate the waste pickers and other groups in the multi-sector discussions about a zero waste policy. 

To identify techniques of waste composting organic fraction management

To identify and develop waste composting market opportunities.

To require from the Ministry of Health medical care waste management programs and the compromise to shut down incineration plants. 

• Obsolete Pesticides and Stocks

○ Strategy: Multi-sector involvement to destroy obsolete pesticides and stocks.

Inventory of pesticides containing obsolete POPs with the support of the agricultural organizations, small farmers, organic farmers and rural workers associations, including sem-terra social movements.

Development of strategies to destroy pesticides containing obsolete POPs with multi-sector participation.

Research and promotion of implementation of destruction technologies without incineration (non-combustion technologies).

To press the government to promote the articulation among different governmental organizations and other stakeholders in order to stimulating agro-ecology practices and reducing the pesticides utilization until their total elimination.

○ Strategy: involvement and support to the DDT’s victims

Identification of the governmental workers that manipulated DDT in mosquito eradication campaigns (FUNASA and others).

■ To identify all areas and communities contaminated by irregular deposits of DDT in the country.

To guarantee the participation of the contaminated workers’ and other victims’ representatives in events to discuss DDT.  

• Contaminated Areas

○ Strategy:  Identification

To set up criteria and indicators of soil contamination with POPs and other pollutants.

  To require the contaminated areas mapping.

To require the decontamination and recovery of contaminated areas using safe and well assessed technologies.

To press the government to promote seminars on treatment technologies for contaminated areas.

To stimulate the technology exchange via pilot projects based on non-thermal technological systems (non-incineration).

To stimulate the development of alternative decontamination techniques.

To promote partnerships with universities to produce assessment technical reports on contaminated areas under studies.

To help the development and implementation of a financial mechanism, for example, a fund specifically planned to attend the governmental demands pertinent to contaminated areas.

To participate effectively in the elaboration of a priority list of contaminated areas.

To elaborate and publish a book on the main cases of contamination, containing the methodologies applied to environmental recovery of the areas, and evidences of the communities. 

• Diffusion of Information

○ Strategy: diffusion of information and mobilization for the Stockholm Convention on POPs.

To produce informative material in accessible language

to translate and adapt the existing international material prepared by Pesticide Action Network (PAN).

To promote publicity campaign with well-known personalities such as the cartoonist Ziraldo.

To  create a website to make available the basic information about the Stockholm Convention on POPs.

To develop and promote educational programs to enhance the awareness of children and other vulnerable groups.

To involve the community radio networks and to develop radio programs focusing the rural communities. 

• Capacity building of Community Leaders aiming to the Stockholm Convention on POPs.

○ Strategy: capacity-building of community organizations and civil society.

To identify or create capacity-building infra-structure.

To promote capacity-building and leadership courses on the Stockholm Convention on POPs developed in partnership with governments and NGOs.

To identify stakeholders that may be multipliers.

To promote capacity building-courses focusing social multipliers formation such as waste pickers unions, housewives, nurses, community leaders and others.

To promote capacity-building courses that include the National Solid Waste Policy analysis.

To promote capacity-building courses for journalists and the media.

To develop environmental diagnosis based on community as a tool for the community involvement.

To identify and multiply community involvement experiences.

○ Strategy: Focal areas capacity-building

To promote capacity-building courses on incineration and co-incineration, including cement kilns, for affected communities and local groups that work in the health and environment area.

To promote capacity-building courses on Zero Waste management. 

• Research Technical Support

○ Strategy: to identify potential supportive technicians and academic research on POPs and community participation.

To identify technicians from different sectors as physicians, lawyers, engineers, etc. that may give support to NGOs and citizenship networks.

To research the national experience on civil and criminal responsibility in contamination cases.

To research the successful replacement of materials such as PVC in another countries.

To research impacts to health caused by inadequate final disposal of POPs waste to support the civil society campaigns.  

• To enhance the awareness of the Intergovernmental Organizations such as UNEP and UNIDO towards the discussions related to aluminum and steel.


ACPO - Associação de Combate aos POPs
ACPO - Associação de Consciência à Prevenção Ocupacional

Rua: Júlio de Mesquita, 148 conjunto 203 - Vila Mathias
CEP: 11075-220 - Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Tel/Fax: (55 13) 32346679

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