Project and Activities of the Seminar 

The IPEP project was proposed in September 2005 by ACPO, a member of IPEN since 1998, and consisted basically in the organization of a first national meeting focused on the civil society participation under the implementation plan of the Stockholm Convention on POPs. The IPEP project covered part of the organization costs, and the other part was supported by the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Health.  FUNDACENTRO, a research institution associated with the Ministry of Labor offered its facilities with auditorium and rooms for the seminar plenary sessions and workgroups activities.  

The seminar, that was initially planned to be held in October 2005, due to some changes in the Ministries schedules pertinent to the financial support, was held in January 2006 in Salvador, Bahia, Northeast of Brazil.  

The proposed agenda was discussed by the Event Coordination within the scope of the GT_Quimicos, which included the representatives of ACPO, RBJA and APROMAC, resulting in the following final schedule. 

January 22nd

January 23rd

January 24th

General Chemicals

Stockholm Convention

View of Government and Civil Society

Group Discussion  - Strategies and Actions

Introduction of the Participants

What is and how the Stockholm Convention on POPs was conceived.

Fernando Berjarano - IPEN

Group discussion

Division into 3 workgroups to discuss the following themes:

Case of chemical contamination: 

Mr.  Daniel Barbosa, ,on behalf of Osiris Barbosa

Main Problems of the Brazilian Civil Society in relation to Stockholm Convention

Jeffer Castelo Branco - ACPO

1- What is the present situation?

2- What do we want?

3- Strategies and Actions.

Main areas:  urban, industrial and pesticides

General View of the Chemical Products in a Globalized World

Fernando Berjarano – IPEN (*)

Strategies of Actions and of the Ministry of Health towards the implementation of the Stockholm Convention

Gilson Spanemberg- Ministry of Health (*)

Reports of the groups

Chemicals Discussion International Forums

Karen Suassuna – ACPO (*)

National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on POPs.

Sergia Oliveira – Ministry of Environment


GT Quimicos Platform –  reading, discussion and approval


Approval of strategies and actions

(*)Discussion:  structure and strategy of the GT Químicos



  (*) Activities not developed. 

Unfortunately, due to some problems caused by a failure in the electric energy system of the FUNDACENTRO building, and the consequent delays, it was not possible to realize all the activities.  Furthermore, the representative of the Ministry of Health could not attend the meeting for personal reasons.


ACPO - Associação de Combate aos POPs
ACPO - Associação de Consciência à Prevenção Ocupacional

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